German Iron Rations

More importantly known as Eiserne Portionen & Halb-Eiserne Portionen in German.
The iron or half Iron ration which was consisted of canned meat and packaged crackers was similiar to the American Army K-Ration.
This ration was carried in the bag of the Landser's Assault Pack (Beutel xum Gefechtsgepack) and was normally placed inside the Zwiebackbeutel.
What goes in it ?
The half Wehrmacht iron ration consisted of :
200 grams of preserved meat (Fleischkonserve)
300 grams of hard crackers ( Zwieback, Hartkeks or Knackebrot)
The full Wehrmacht iron ration consisted of :
300 grams of hard crackers (Zwieback, Hartkeks or Knackebrot)
200 grams of preserved meat (Fleischkonserve)
150 grams of preserved or dehydrated vegetables (Gemuse) or Pea Sausage (Erbsenwurst)
25 grams of artificial substitute coffee (Kaffe-Ersatz)
25 grams of Salt (Salz)